
  • Danilo Soares Monte-Mor Professor at Fucape Business School
  • Marco Aurélio dos Santos Sanfins Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
  • Silvania Neris Nossa
  • Aridelmo José Campanharo Teixeira Professor at Fucape Business School



Long-Short Strategies, Extreme Value Theory, Arbitrage, Pair Trading, Fundamental Analysis


In recent decades, the number of funds has increased which aim to explore market inefficiencies through arbitrage strategies, among which the long-short strategy stands out. A large part of the analyses used to obtain the pair tradings, however, does not consider the extreme deviations that exist in the interdependence process between the assets involved and the firms’ operational quality indicators. The Extreme Value Theory and Fundamental Analysis were used in this study to model the series of the asset pair price indices obtained based on the accounting indicator structure proposed by Piotroski (2000). These approaches permitted considering companies with positive signs of profitability, an operational capital structure and efficiency, besides distributions that are capable of capturing the extreme co-movements associated with the selected pair tradings. Based on this model, a new quantitative approach was created for the long-short strategy, called the GEV Long-Short. The obtained results suggest that the best adjustment of the extreme quantiles through the extreme value distribution can provide more refined probabilistic support for the return to the average to justify the possibility of long-short arbitrage.

Author Biographies

Danilo Soares Monte-Mor, Professor at Fucape Business School

M.Sc. in Economics (UFES) and Ph.D. candidate in Accountancy and Business Administration (Fucape)

Marco Aurélio dos Santos Sanfins, Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Ph.D. in Statistics (UFRJ)

Silvania Neris Nossa

M.Sc. in Accountancy (Fucape) and Ph.D. candidate in Accountancy and Business Administration (Fucape)

Aridelmo José Campanharo Teixeira, Professor at Fucape Business School

Ph.D. in Controllership and Accounting (USP)


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How to Cite

Monte-Mor, D. S., Sanfins, M. A. dos S., Nossa, S. N., & Teixeira, A. J. C. (2014). APPLICATION OF EXTREME VALUE THEORY AND FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS IN LONG-SHORT STRATEGIES: AN ANALYSIS OF PAIR TRADINGS IN THE BRAZILIAN MARKET. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 8(3).

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