Relationship between Extracurricular Reading and Academic Performance

Comparative and General Analysis of Students in the Area of Applied Social Sciences


  • Camila Paniz Mallmann Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Vitor Hideo Nasu Universidade de São Paulo
  • Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau



Reading, Academic performance, Undergraduate students, Higher education, Applied social sciences


Objective: To investigate, in a general and comparative way, the relationship between extracurricular reading and the performance of students in the field of applied social sciences.

Method: Microdata from 338,977 students from nine undergraduate programs of the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE) of 2018 were collected.

Results: The initial analysis showed that the undergraduate course is significantly associated with extracurricular reading (measured by the number of books read that are not contained in the bibliographic references of the course syllabus). Special attention is drawn to the accounting program, whose students - in general and proportional to other courses - are reading less. In addition, the regression models indicated a positive relationship between extracurricular reading and academic performance. This is valid for the performance in the tests of specific components, of general formation and, consequently, for the general performance of the student at ENADE 2018.

Contributions: It is recommended that undergraduate students take readings in addition to those contained in the programs of the disciplines, since the findings suggest that extracurricular reading is relevant to their general and specific training and that, in addition, it can improve the skills of reading, text interpretation and writing, fundamental aspects to be successful in undergraduate courses.

Author Biographies

Camila Paniz Mallmann, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Master's student of the Graduate Program in Accounting and Administration at Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau.

Vitor Hideo Nasu, Universidade de São Paulo

Ph.D. Candidate in Accounting at FEA/USP.

Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Ph.D. in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Mallmann, C., Nasu, V., & Domingues, M. J. (2021). Relationship between Extracurricular Reading and Academic Performance: Comparative and General Analysis of Students in the Area of Applied Social Sciences. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 15(2).