Management of Results in Banks Through Disclosure of Adjusted Income for Extraordinary Items


  • Monize Ramos do Nascimento Universidade de Brasília
  • Raissa Aglé Moura de Sousa Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • José Alves Dantas Universidade de Brasília
  • João Tupinambá Gomes Neto
  • Wellington Alves de Oliveira



Results Management, Banks, Extraordinary Items, Recurring Profits, Non-Gaap Measures


Objective: This study aimed to investigate evidence of earnings management through the disclosure of adjusted income (net income minus extraordinary items) by Brazilian banks.

Method: Linear regression model estimates (fixed effects) were performed, with quarterly data, from 2016 to 2020, from 21 Brazilian publicly traded banks with shares traded on B3.

Results: The empirical tests, both with the set of observations and only with the data in which there is disclosure of extraordinary items, revealed a positive association between extraordinary items and net income, without the effects of adjustments to extraordinary items, confirming the hypothesis of that such entities use adjusted earnings disclosure as a mechanism for managing investor expectations, smoothing the recurring portion of earnings.

Contributions: The research contributes to the development of the literature on the use of non-gaap measures in the capital market, in which disclosure entities seek to influence investor expectations, using measures that are not disciplined in accounting standards, focusing on the impact of disclosure of extraordinary items by Brazilian banks.


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How to Cite

Ramos do Nascimento, M., Aglé Moura de Sousa, R., Alves Dantas, J. ., Tupinambá Gomes Neto, J., & Alves de Oliveira, W. . (2021). Management of Results in Banks Through Disclosure of Adjusted Income for Extraordinary Items. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 15(4).