Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Cash of Brazilian Companies


  • Gustavo Henrique Dias Souza
  • Alexandre Teixeira Norberto Batista Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Jacqueline Veneroso Alves da Cunha




Cash Policy, Financial Slack, Economic Policy Uncertainty


Objective: investigate the effects of economic policy uncertainty on the cash and financial slack of public companies listed in the Brazilian stock market.

Method: using as uncertainty measures the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (EPU) and the Economic Uncertainty Indicator – Brazil (IIEBr) in addition to cash measures such as cash and equivalents and financial slack, this study used estimates by GMM-Systemic, whose application can alleviate the problem of endogeneity, with quarterly data from 152 companies with stocks on B3.

Results: in general, evidence was found that economic policy uncertainty is positively related to the cash level of companies in the sample, implying that companies retain more cash when uncertainty increases. Additional analyzes suggest that economic policy uncertainty also influences firms' future cash. The results also show a more pronounced result when using IIEBr compared to EPU, consistent with different ways of calculating the metrics.

Contribuições: the study has implications for the literature by demonstrating the role of companies' cash reserves in the Brazilian market in mitigating the adverse effect of economic policy uncertainty. In addition, it explains to companies some possible factors triggered by uncertainty, which could help in their liquidity policy, aiming at financial balance.


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How to Cite

Dias Souza, G. H. ., Batista, A. T. N., & Cunha, J. V. A. da. (2022). Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Cash of Brazilian Companies. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 16(1). https://doi.org/10.17524/repec.v16i1.2966




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