Income smoothing and the market value of companies during the COVID-19 pandemic
suavização de resultados, covid-19, valor de mercado, suavização intencional de resultadosAbstract
Objective: To investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market value (MV) of companies listed on [B]3 in intentional income smoothing.
Method: The study sample comprised data from non-financial companies included in the Novo Mercado from 2017 to 2021. The models proposed by Lang et al. (2012) were adopted to calculate the intentional income smoothing variables. The estimations were performed using a dynamic panel with the Generalized Method of Moments Estimation.
Results: The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the companies’ MV. The negative impact of general intentional smoothing was reduced during the pandemic though, while the negative effect of intentional smoothing using accruals was intensified. The results suggest that the companies’ reduced level of operations during the pandemic more intensively influenced the effect of general smoothing and less intensively influenced intentional smoothing on the companies’ value.
Contributions: The results of this study contribute to the literature on income smoothing in emerging countries during periods of uncertainty and alert to the effects of such practices on asset prices on the Brazilian stock exchange.
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