Quality Pentagon in Research:
An Approach for Multiple Cycles of Knowledge Construction
pentágono da qualidade, qualidade intrínseca, qualidade da produção científicaAbstract
Objective: This study aims to shed light on the quality attributes of scientific research—gap, relevance, innovation, contribution, and impact—proposed by Frezatti (2020) in a REPeC editorial and to explore them through a project developed by participants of a research group. This objective addresses the issue of article and project rejection, which often originates from weaknesses at the conception stage, compromising execution and hindering necessary adjustments for publication.
Method: A theoretical-methodological approach was adopted to discuss five essential elements for developing a research project, referred to as the quality pentagon. These interdependent elements are applied throughout the entire research cycle, from conception to execution and publication.
Results: The proposed approach is expected to enhance the design and execution of research with greater intrinsic quality, particularly in the business field, thereby facilitating evaluation and acceptance in
academic journals.
Contributions: This study’s innovation lies in examining the interaction between the elements of the
quality pentagon, a topic rarely explored in the literature. By addressing this interrelationship, we provide
a tool to improve the planning and development of research, strengthen authors’ arguments, and offer
benefits to referees, editors, and advisors.
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